Tuesday, November 26, 2019

4 ways to help you make hard choices in both work and life

4 ways to help you make hard choices in both work and life4 ways to help you make hard choices in both work and lifeLife isnt always black or white - things happen, people change and sometimes you have to make difficult choices.Heres what to keep in mind.Do something to move forwardDecision coach and travel writer Nell Wulfhart writes in The Muse that you should practice being decisive.If youre chronically indecisive, build that decision-making muscle by starting small. Give yurself 30 seconds to decide what youll have for dinner, what movie to watch, or whether you want to go out tonight. Follow through on that decision. Repeat. Then work up to bigger things. Does this give you anxiety? Ask yourself what the worst-case scenario is if you pick wrong.Think about what would happen as a resultDaniel Jacobs, CEO and co-founder of Avanoo, writes in Fortune about making difficult geschftliches miteinander decisions in Fortune. After writing about a poor cost-saving decision he made in the past, he lists three ways that have since helped him approach challenges when the pressure is on.One of the questions he poses is, Are you willing to live with the consequences of your decision?This might seem like a rhetorical question, but its not. Most hard decisions are made because were either a) running toward expected rewards, or b) running away from expected consequences. Strangely, humans often tend not to consider what happens if the rewards or consequences we expect dont come to pass, he continues.Think about any biasesCatherine Price, author of 101 Places Not to See Before You Die, writes on Oprah.comabout having to choose a paint color with her husband for their new apartment. She goes onto list tips for making decisions, includingthat you should be aware of biases.They can lead smart people to make dumb decisions. For example, we hate to lose more than we like to win, which can result in behavior such as holding on to a tanking stock instead of accepting a loss. We re member vivid examples better than facts, which is why plane crashes stick in our heads more than statistics on air safety. And were susceptible to how information is framed - a cash discount is more appealing than no credit card surcharge. Keeping these biases in mind can help you think clearly.Get some peace and quietElaina Giolando, a nomad and freelance writer, writes in Fortune about how she ultimately turned down a business fellowship and the different ways she arrived at the decision (and others).She writes that when making a big life choice, the first step is to try meditation.For me, this involved 10 days of intense, silent meditation in rural India. But you dont have to travel to the other side of the world for the same effects. Instead, set aside a quiet meditation space where you can listen to your heart. What does it communicate when its not panicked and inundated with other peoples ideas? Temporarily removing yourself from all external stimuli and ideas of who you shou ld be and what you should do allows you to access your own values and take ownership of the direction you want your life to take.

Friday, November 22, 2019

People can guess your name just by looking at your face

People can guess yur personenname just by looking at your facePeople can guess your name just by looking at your faceIts not uncommon to have a hunch about someones name based on their facial features. As it turns out, theres scientific evidence to back up this idea, according to researchin the Journal of Personality and Social Psychologypublished online in February 2017.It all boils down to the face-name matching effect, a way in which, the researchers say, both a social perceiver and a computer are able to accurately match a persons name to his or her face. They found that participants were able to do sosignificantly above chance level and thatcultural associations (stereotypes) about names play a role, and this may be partially because what people thought about the names wasreportedly specific to a participants background.In case you think its just menschenfreundlich bias robots think we look alike too. The researchers found that computer that had been taught to match names to fac es with a learning algorithm, when presented more thana whopping 94,000 pictures of faces, succeeded the majority of the time, nailing between 54% and 64% of its guesses.Who participated in the studyThe researchers carried outeight studies total- six where hundreds of French and Israeli participants matched names to faces (done in varying formats, with each study having different numbers of people) and featuring computer that had been taught a algorithm.But no matter who was participating in the study- human or machine- the participants were shown pictures of faces of people they didnt know, each one accompanied by different names one of which was the persons actual one.What the researchers foundOf all of the findings, here are a few that stood out.As the press release points out, during each study, human participants did better picking the right names (25-40% correct) than doing so randomly (20-25% correct), even when ethnicity, age and other socioeconomic variables were control led for. It also states that when a computer participated during a study, it was 54-64% accurate, compared to50% accurate when doing so randomly, and that the results were culture-specific when humans participated.Study 5 also helped illustrate that people did better than choosing at random. Participants were shown a picture of a man with the choices Jacob, Josef, Nathaniel and Dan. Spoiler his name was Dan- they picked this name 38% of the time compared to the 25% chance level of a random guess.But it works both ways- peoples names sometimes impact their faces,which they hypothesize issomewhat of aDorian Gray Effect, citing prior research.The study found that the face-name match implies that people live up to their given name in their physical identity. The possibility that our name can influence our look, even to a small extent, is intriguing, suggesting the important role of social structuring in general and naming in particular in the complex interaction between the self and s ociety. We are subject to social structuring from the minute we are born, not only by our gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, but also by the simple choice that others make in giving us our name.Lead author Yonat Zwebner, a PhD candidate at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem when the research was carried out, commented on the findings in a statement, showing that stereotypes can play a role.We are familiar with such a process from other stereotypes, like ethnicity and gender where sometimes the stereotypical expectations of others affect who we becomePrior research has shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look. For instance, people are more likely to imagine a person named Bob to have a rounder face than a person named Tim. We believe these stereotypes can, over time, affect peoples facial appearance, Zwebner said.We sometimes attribute certain names to people based on cultural stereotypes, but its also possible for our names to impact how we present ourselves.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 myths about having mentors (and how to overcome them)

4 myths about having mentors (and how to overcome them)4 myths about having mentors (and how to overcome them)Mentors are special people. They take us under their wise, experienced wings and help us make sense of the often-bewildering world of work. Mentors help us to sharpen our skills and smooth out our rough edges. My mentors have helped me discover new strengths, go boldly after bigger goals, and avoid (or bounce back from) some cringe-worthy career missteps. A mentoring relationship is a precious resource, indeed. Are you making the most of yours?In observance ofnational mentoring month, and since it isnt always clear how to make the most of a mentors time and advice, I dipped into the Be Leaderly archive to pull together this list of 11 favorite articles about being mentored. As I compiled the list, I noticed some common themes four common mentoring myths.Like any worthwhile professional development pursuit, being mentored is something you can improve at. If any of these myths resonate for you, click through, read on, and make the most of your mentors investment in you.Myth 1 You cant just flat-out ask a stranger to mentor youMentoring relationships can grow organically if youre lucky. Most of the time, you dont just stumble upon a great mentor. Instead, writes Sabina Nawaz, its up to us to find people we respect and ask for their guidance. But approaching a stranger can be downright daunting. Right now, your inner critic is probably weighing in to add, Why would that awe-inspiring, accomplished, industry rock-star want to help me?To encourage you to make the ask, Nawaz includes a sample example of a persuasive, well-crafted email in inHow to Convince a Strangertobe Your Mentor. As you make your request, Be brief, be gracious, position yourself as a highly-valuable apprentice and as always, keep it classy, writes Alexandra Franzen. InDesperately seeking a mentor?Franzen lays out some additional, valuable advice on what to say (and not to say) as your cou rt your drrream mentor.Myth 2 Your mentor will also act as your sponsorIn the early days of your career, your mentor and sponsor are likely to be the same person, says Carla Harris, Vice Chairman of Wealth Management at Morgan Stanley. (Whats the difference between the two? ?A mentor helps youskill up, whereas a sponsor will help youmove up.)But things get more complicated as you progress beyond entry level, cautions Harris. Having one individual fill both roles is less than iverstndigung im strafverfahren. Why? Well, your sponsor needs to be squarely focused on what youre good at, so they can act as a wholehearted ambassador for your qualifikation and kick down doors on your behalf. That might be difficult if youve revealed your concerns, weaknesses, fears, or mistakes to them in a mentoring conversation. InAsk an Exec Can My Mentor be My Sponsor?Harris describes how to select the best person for each role.Myth 3 Youll eventually run out of things to talk aboutHave conversations wi th your mentor gotten repetitive? Dont write off the relationship too quickly, even if it seems like it may have run its course. Often, its not the relationship thats staleyou just need some fresh material to discuss. InFour Types of Questions To Ask Your MentorI share four categories of questions to prepare ahead of every mentoring conversation that will keep things interesting and valuable for you and your mentor.Want specific examples? Ive listed a bunch in25 Questions to Ask a Mentor. By preparing thoughtfully for each mentoring session, youll avoid the awkwardness of feeling like youre wasting your mentors time and ensure the mentoring relationship remains gratifying for both of you for many years to come.Myth 4 Being mentored is just for newbiesAs we grow in competence and in our careers, setting aside time to be the recipient of a mentors advice can seem like an unnecessary burden. But the complexity of situations we have to deal with grows too, and theres no way to predict when a mentors advice or perspective could be a career game-changer.I am proud and happy to be mentor-rich writes attorney Lyndsay Markley, whose array of mentors includes trial attorney mentors, networking mentors, style mentors, judicial mentors, and rainmaking mentors. We dont have to be at the beginning of our careers to have a mentor, adds Markley inThe Importance of Mentoring How Strong is Your Network?This article first appeared on Be Leaderly.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

7 little changes thatll make a big difference with your resume

7 little changes that'll make a big difference with your resume 7 little changes that'll make a big difference with your resume Wondering how to get recruiters to notice your resume and application? We’re sharing the seven secrets to a more powerful resume.Like it or not, your application to your dream job isn’t going straight to the person hiring for the role. Instead, it has to pass through a gatekeeper- typically someone in HR- who is responsible for vetting resumes before passing them along to the very busy hiring manager. This is the speed-dating round: You have only a few seconds to make a good impression or risk getting tossed into the reject pile.If you do make a good impression, a hiring manager will look at your resume like they might an online dating profile. They know exactly what they’re looking for in a candidate, and a few misused words on your profile (or resume) could cost you your chance at the position. Even though you liked the company enough to send the first message, you’ll receive the dreaded “thanks, but no thanks” email in return that will have you wondering where you went wrong.So how does your resume attract enough attention to get invited on a first date, i.e. interview? Here are seven little changes that will make a big difference on your resume.Remove fluffy, clichéd, generic or obvious statements.“I have excellent communication skills and am a pro multi-tasker.” Even if this statement rings true, it’s also so overused that the hiring manager won’t give it a second thought. Be specific about your skillset; don’t just copy terms from resume samples that you think fit you. Chances are, they describe everyone else as well.Remove broad, generic and outdated skills“I am proficient in Microsoft Office 2007.” Every time you update your resume, take a careful look at your skills listed. Be sure your skills are not too broad (computers), outdated (Office 2007) or generic (phone). Just list skills relevant to the position you’re applying for, and leave the extras out.Put education in its place Do you want to put more emphasis your educati on or your work history? The answer to that question will tell you whether your education belongs at the top or the bottom of your resume. One of the biggest mistakes is prioritizing a newly earned degree, even if you’ve worked in that industry for a significant amount of time. Gatekeepers and hiring managers might see your resume, assume you’re a new grad with little experience and move on to the next candidate.Don’t take style risksBe bold in your interview, but not on your resume. Italicizing, highlighting or underlining keywords can cause your resume to appear distracting, cluttered and unprofessional. Keep it simple.Show, don’t tellDon’t just list your accomplishments; rather, show how you exceeded. Which sounds better: “Made $500K in sales in 2014” or “Exceeded sales quota by $100K, making $500K in first year sales”? Sure, $500K in sales seems impressive, but it needs to be put into context- for example, what if your yearly quota was $1M? The second example s hows that you exceeded expectations, making you an asset to any team.Ditch the headlineIf the first thing a gatekeeper or hiring manager sees on your resume is a headline unrelated to the role you’re applying for, you won’t get a second glanceâ€"into the reject pile you’ll go. If you want them to keep reading, you have two options: Ditch the headline, or change your resume for every role. Option two is clearly the better bet; however, if you don’t want to put in the effort, simply remove the title from your resume.Pay attention to locationSome companies don’t want to consider an out-of-state candidate for a job opening, as interviews and relocations can be pricy. Some gatekeepers and hiring managers frequently disregard out-of-state candidates because they misinterpret the requirements or details of the position (they didn’t see the location, thought it was freelance, etc).If you’re looking to relocate- whether it’s to be closer to a family member or otherwise- be su re to state the reason in your resume and cover letter. This shows that you didn’t make a mistake in applying to a job situated halfway across the country, and a gatekeeper and hiring manager won’t be wasting their time by following up with you.

Monday, November 18, 2019

9 Fast-Growing Cannabis Companies Hiring Now

9 Fast-Growing Cannabis Companies Hiring Now 9 Fast-Growing Cannabis Companies Hiring Now Legal cannabis has created thousands of jobs throughout the United States. Nearly every occupation is needed in this budding industry, from financial analysts to data scientists and marketing pros. According to a  report from Vangst , a recruitment and job placement agency focused on the cannabis industry, the cannabis industry is projected to grow 220% in 2019 alone. If you’re looking to take your skills to the marijuana industry, look no further than these top companies that are hiring fast. Tilray Where Hiring: Nanaimo, Canada; Seattle, WA; Toronto, Canada; London, England; Vancouver, Canada & more. Open Roles: Mergers and Acquisitions Analyst, Director of Corporate HR Services, Senior Manager of Project Management, Retail Coordinator, Trade Marketing Manager West,, Senior Financial Analyst, Learning & Development Manager, Marketing Manager & more. What Employees Say: “The people are amazing. I have never worked with such a such smart, diverse group of people! To be passionate about what we do and have fun doing it.. even if its stressful sometimes its what working should be like. There is room to advance if you put in your time and work hard. Great benefits and perks. The quality of the cannabis and ensuring a comfortable and safe work environment for employees are very important. They take good care of their people. I have met some of my best friends here.” - Current Senior Associate Canopy Growth Where Hiring: San Francisco, CA; Columbus, NE; Toronto, Canada; Ottowa, Canada; Smiths Falls, Canada & more. Open Roles: Agronomist, Scientific Writer & Receiver, Compliance Counsel, ERP Specialist, IT Project Manager, Tweedtender, Shop Lead, Validation Associate, Project Administrator, Manager of Patient Networks & more. What Employees Say: “Employee focussed culture, great benefits, share options, endless opportunities to progress and a down to earth, fun to interact with team.” - Current Operations Manager MedMen Where Hiring: Los Angeles, CA; Buffalo, NY; Las Vegas, NV; Tallahassee, FL; Culver City, CA; San Diego, CA; Scottsdale, AZ; Sarasota, FL & more. Open Roles: Real Estate Analyst, Hospitality Lead, Sales Administrator, Cost Accountant Manager, Senior Desktop Support Analyst, Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Plant Manager, Purchasing Coordinator, Analytical Lab Manager, Regional Director of Government Affairs 7 more. What Employees Say: “Startup culture with lots of work to do. This is not for the faint of heart, we have a lot of work to do. The team is passionate about what we’re doing and how we’re changing the stigma around Cannabis.” - Current Employee Eaze Where Hiring: San Francisco, CA Open Roles: Director of IT, Growth Strategy Associate, Operations Strategy Manager, Director of Corporate Development, Senior Product Designer, Public Affairs Manager, Senior Backend Engineer, General Manager, Head of Analytics, Eaze Brand Ambassador, Office Coordinator & more. What Employees Say: “Good work/life balance and unlimited PTO: there are times when the team has to put some extra hours but most of the time we’re flexible and we encourage each other to take time off then we need.” - Current Employee Cura Cannabis Solutions Where Hiring: Portland, OR; Detroit, MI; Ventura, CA; Sacramento, CA & more. Open Roles: CBD Product Manager, Financial Analyst, Production Technician, General Manager for Future Growth, Brand Ambassador, Human Resources Business Partner, Account Executive, Corporate Financial Analyst, Lab Technician, Sales Operations Team Member, VP of Retail Marketing & more. What Employees Say: “I’ve been at Cura for a year and a half and have been promoted 3 times. They are growing fast but continue to care about all the employees. I’ve made a lot of good friends and seen many move up. And the pay rates are some of the best in the industry!” - Current Employee Canndescent Where Hiring: Desert Hot Springs, CA; Santa Barbara, CA; Los Angeles, CA & more. Open Roles: Systems Integration Specialist, Nursery Manager, Compliance Manager, Marketing Assistant, Assistant Nursery Manager, Cultivation Technician & more. What Employees Say: “Amazing people. Culture is a huge focus for Canndescent and it truly shows. The team is filled with unique people that bring fresh perspectives. Everyone in the company has equity and cares about the company’s success. Our products are received well and have a great following. We have 401k, medical, dental, and we actually receive a check which is not the norm for the industry. The cannabis industry is fast-paced and a new industry, there is so much to contribute to help with growth. Overall an amazing company and industry to be a part of.” - Current Regional Sales Manager CBD BioCare Where Hiring: Phoenix, AZ; Las Vegas, NV & more. Open Roles: Work From Home Sales Representatives & Remote Sales Representatives What Employees Say: “This company is changing the lives of so many. I get to watch and listen to people using our products and get their life back from conditions and symptoms they’ve had. CBD BioCare brings hope to everyone!” - Current Employee Scotts Miracle-Gro Where Hiring: Marysville, OH; Columbus, OH; Temecula, CA; Fort Madison, IA & more. Open Roles: Integrated Marketing Manager, Director of Manufacturing Operations, Production Supervisor, Quality Assurance Supervisor, Shipping Clerk, Senior Analyst of Advanced Marketing Analytics, SAP Basis Administrator, Cloud Application Engineer, Warehouse Associate & more. What Employees Say: “Great/fair benefits, opportunities for growth, interesting work. If you work hard, develop strong communication skills, and execute your responsibilities you will get promoted. Scotts definitely has its own unique culture.” - Current Finance Employee Hexo Where Hiring: Belleville, Canada; Gatineau, Canada; Ottawa, Canada & more. Open Roles: Project Manager, Business Analyst, Accountant, Capital Project Coordinator, Internal Auditor, IT Technician, Building Operator, Training Specialist, Manager of Dried Processing, Global Total Rewards manager, Payroll Administrator & more. What Employees Say: “Massive Growth. Great team and atmosphere.” - Current Employee Here are 13 pieces of advice that will strengthen your   job search  and help you get   a job that fits your life . 1. Pay attention to your social media presence. Recruiters and hiring managers will be looking at your resume, of course- but they also want to see   complementary online content , too, such as your LinkedIn profile and online resume. In fact, one recruiter told Glassdoor she likes to see attachments, project work, videos, or blogs, too.   2. Highlight your transferable skills. You want to show off why you’re right for a particular role. But you also want to make clear   why you’re right for any role , we’ve heard recruiters say. So, when it comes to your resume and cover letter, focus on the skills and experience you have that would make you an ideal candidate anywhere. Then, in an interview, be ready to share how you’ll relay those skills in the new role.     And more specifically, use the  right  words.   Applicant tracking systems scan resumes  in search of keywords, and throw out any that don’t contain them before they have the chance to be seen by human eyes. So how can you game the tech? It’s easy. Read the   job description   for the job you’re applying- then see how those words stack up against   similar job postings . Words that repeat across multiple listings belong on your resume- preferably at the top, as well as in context. 4. Tell a compelling story in your cover letter. You don’t want to simply repeat what’s on your resume when you   write your cover letter . Rather, you want to dig a little deeper, answering   questions a potential employer might ask  such as:   what makes this company your go-to choice, and why is this company special to you?  Answer the questions in as much detail as possible to stand out from the crowd. It’s not enough to run a simple spell check on your resume. You’ll need to employ some special   editing tactics - such as reading your resume backward  and asking a friend to   proofread  for you- in order to catch every mistake on the page. There’s even editing software specifically for resumes. If you allow an error to sneak in, you are sending the employer an unintended and incorrect message that you are sloppy and don’t care about your work.   6. Prepare for an interview before you get it. You won’t be caught off guard by an   interview question  if you’ve studied the   common questions  asked by recruiters and managers alike. Plus, knowing your responses in advance will keep you cool, calm, and collected during the interview- confidence any employer will be pleased to see. It’s not enough to slip out of sweatpants and put on something fancy. You have to   dress for success  and be comfortable in what you’re wearing. If you’re uncomfortable, you might lose some confidence in the   interview . But if you look  and  feel good, your job savvy should easily shine through. An   interview  doesn’t have to be all business. In fact, applicants willing to show their personalities are received better by managers than people who remain tight-lipped during the interview. That’s because this manager could become   your boss - and he or she wants to make sure you can get along well. Share your   personality  when answering questions and resist the urge to respond robotically. A  recent   study  found that 86 percent of hiring managers said not   sending a thank-you note  shows lack of follow-through. So follow-up- and show off your manners- with a handwritten note on nice paper or even in an email. The point is to do it, and do it  promptly; the medium doesn’t matter as much. In the note, thank your potential employer for his or her time, and be sure to share about something you learned   during the interview . Why? Sharing the lesson shows you were paying attention to the employer, and you’re serious about the role. 10. Avoid getting too personal in interviews. Turns out, some of the answers you think are appropriate to share- like your favorite childhood memory when asked question, “Tell me about yourself”- are actually a turnoff to recruiters, and in some cases, can cost you the job. So just like you’ll practice   what to say in the interview , you should also research what   not  to say  to a potential employer. 11. Don’t talk about money during an initial interview. Bringing up any   salary questions  during an initial interview- especially a   phone interview - is a big no-no, career experts say. Why? It’s simply not the appropriate time, because you haven’t made it far enough into the interview process. So save the money talk for a second or third interview, when it’s clear you’re taking steps toward landing the job. 12. Be proactive during the interview. Rather than allow for the recruiter or hiring manager to ask you all of the  questions, be confident and proactive during your time together. You’ve researched the   company’s culture and mission on Glassdoor , and you’re looking for a job that fits your life. Therefore it’s important to dig deeper. If you ask questions about management style,   professional development , performances measurements and team collaboration, you’ll show a potential employer you’re both an   informed candidate  and serious about the job.   13. Use social media to brand yourself. Hopefully, you know by now that Facebook statuses that describe wild nights with friends can a turnoff to potential employers. But did you know that you can   use social media to build a personal brand , making you more attractive to a hiring manager? One easy way to do just that is to expand from what’s on your resume- you can post pictures or summaries of projects you’ve worked on, include a short bio about your skills, or share articles that show you’re an expert in your industry. The final stage of   getting a job  is negotiating the package. While compensation often comes to mind first, remember that there are far more facets of the job that you can customize than you think. From   benefits  to   work-from-home options ,   stock options  to a travel stipend, there’s a lot on the table. Make a list of the things that are most important to you and that you’ll need to execute your job well. Be sure to check   Know Your Worth  to make sure their   base salary offer  is competitive with the market. Then, speak to your hiring manager and the recruiter about whether those needs can be fulfilled. These days,   negotiating  is an expected part of the job search process. Ask as many questions as you need and get the answers you need to make the best job decision for you.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The State of Creative Hiring

The State of Creative Hiring The State of Creative Hiring State of Creative Hiring - Second Half of 2019 from Robert Half STATE OF CREATIVE HIRING â€" U.S. Second Half of 2019 Slide 1 COMPANIES’ HIRING PLANS FOR FULL-TIME CREATIVE EMPLOYEES 75% Expanding Adding new positions 24% Maintaining Only filling vacated positions 1% Freezing Not filling vacated positions nor creating new ones 1% Reducing Eliminating positions 62% of companies plan to increase the number of freelancers on staff. TOP AREAS FOR HIRING* 1. Web and mobile development 2. User experience 3. Web production 4. User interface and interaction design 5. Creative development 6. Visual design 7. Digital marketing 8. User research 9. Social media 10. Information architecture *Multiple responses were permitted. Top responses are shown. Source: The Creative Group survey of more than 400 advertising and marketing hiring decision makers in the United States © 2019 The Creative Group. A Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans. STATE OF CREATIVE HIRING â€" U.S. Slide 2 Staffing challenges 86% of hiring decision makers say it’s challenging to find skilled creative talent today. On average, it takes employers: 4 weeks to hire for an open staff-level creative position. 6 weeks to hire for an open management-level creative position. Source: The Creative Group survey of more than 400 advertising and marketing hiring decision makers in the United States © 2019 The Creative Group. A Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans STATE OF CREATIVE HIRING â€" U.S. Slide 3 Digital Marketing Staffing 45% of hiring decision makers say their team is understaffed in digital areas. 75% say it’s challenging to find and retain professionals with up-to-date digital skills. Source: The Creative Group survey of more than 400 advertising and marketing hiring decision makers in the United States © 2019 The Creative Group. A Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans STATE OF CREATIVE HIRING â€" U.S. Slide 4 WHEN HIRING FULL-TIME CREATIVE STAFF TO SUPPORT DIGITAL MARKETING INITIATIVES: How helpful would it be for you to collaborate with IT decision makers in your company? Very helpful 51% Somewhat helpful 41% Not very helpful 5% Not helpful at all 3% How often do you consult IT hiring decision makers in your company? Always 23% Very often 42% Somewhat often 23% Not very often 7% Never 4%

Saturday, November 16, 2019

8 Things You Have to Research Before Your Job Interview

8 Things You Have to Research Before Your Job Interview 8 Things You Have to Research Before Your Job Interview Did your awesome resume just get you an interview? Well, good for you! Now that’s when things get serious. Job interviews are not your most pleasant meet-ups but you can nail it and get that job if you know how. For sure, job interview can be really intimidating. Convincing someone of your qualities is a toughie, but if you’re well prepared, there’s no need to panic. Confidence is the key to your success. It’s important to go and meet your potential future employer confident and collected. In order to give off that impression, you need to take the time and carefully research a couple of things. So keep calm and read on. Here are 8 things you should definitely know about before your job interview: 1. Know more about the company than others Knowing who the founder and the CEO are, together with a short history and structure of the company that youve read on Wikipedia are the very basics. This is just not enough. You should go deeper than that and demonstrate an in-depth knowledge about the company. Above all, you have to understand the company and show that your personality matches with the company philosophy. If the company is developing a certain product, know as much as possible about it, express your interest in it and know what sets it apart from the competition. You should have knowledge about the company’s successes and the most important milestones. If the company is active on social media, research their sites, read a couple of their most recent blog posts or read what other people are saying about it. It’s always good knowing a bit more than others find some fun facts or company stories. This will also help you during the QA session. You might ask the hiring manager about a fact you researched or about a new project the company is working on, etc. Also, if you understand the company, your answers will sound more proficient. 2. Make a thorough research about the job position Knowing the details about the job position also helps you better answer the hiring manager’s questions at job interview. Research thoroughly what are the competencies and duties of the person working on the position youre applying for. Be ready fit your skills and knowledge to the job and tailor your answers so that you appear perfectly suited for the job. By doing the research, you’ll also discover whether you are the right person to do the duties that are required for that position. Any duty of the position shouldn’t take you by surprise. According to what is required for the position, you can rehearse your answers and prepare how you’re going to address your skills and identify what you know and how you can use this knowledge and skill in the position. 3. Know yourself! It might sound a bit strange but you have to ask yourself this: How are you going to convince the hiring manager about your abilities if youre not 100% sure about what you can and cannot do? Go over your resume once again and be aware of the fact that the recruiter doesn’t know you, he or she only has your resume in front of her/himself. Your resume has given the hiring manager a certain picture about you and now you have to live up to his/her expectations. In order to sound convincing, you should create your professional identity and stick to it. Settle on an attitude you’re going to present and which of your skills you’re going to emphasize. 4. Prepare questions and answers Though you cannot predict what they’re going to ask you, it’s important you come equipped with a number of questions and answers. There are several commonly asked questions, for which you can prepare answers to but they should still come across as unrehearsed and convincing. Even though a job interview is mostly about the recruiter asking questions, most of the recruiters will summon you at some point during the interview to ask them anything you want to know. In case they dont, you still have the right to ask questions. most recruiting experts even think that questions the job candidate asks are sometimes more important that the answers they give to the interviewers questions. For the questions part of your job interview, you’ll find our first two points most useful having carefully researched the company and the job position, you’ll find it easier to ask additional questions and your questions will also sound more clever and professional. Learn more in our previous blog post on the 20 best questions to ask the hiring manager. 5. Practice your body language You might not believe it, but body language is crucially important during an interview. You should try to look as calm as possible. The body language of a calm person is a whole different than that of a nervous one. There are plenty of online sources dealing with body language. Make a little research and find out what your gestures mean. Use open gestures, leave your arms resting calmly, dont do any overexposed gestures, dont let your nervousness show. You can practice this either in front of the mirror or opposite somebody else, which is even better. Ask your family member or a friend to play the interviewer and you try to answer his or her questions in a way you would in a hot chair. 6. Address your failures in the right way Most hiring managers will try and put you on the  spot about your potential incompetences. Some might even try to catch you unawares to see how you react in awkward situations. Addressing your failures or lack of skills is not pleasant, nor easy, but don’t worry. You can fight it by preparing for these questions in a right way. They might ask you about your worst personality trait or a thing you think you’re least good at. The magic is to make your failures sound as though they’re in a way positive. Here’s an example: “I tend to get impatient when I don’t get enough work”, or: “I hate it when others in my team lag behind with work.” Also, when they ask you about what you think your greatest incompetency is, pick a skill you think you’re good at, but you didn’t have a chance to get too deep into. So finish it off by saying something like: “I am still learning and I can tell from my progress I might get considerably good at it.” 7. Know the terminology You should be prepared to use the jargon that’s used in the industry you want to work in. Using the right terminology will make you look more competent and intelligent. Be specific and speak clearly. It doesn’t make a good impression when you twaddle about nothing just to say something. Don’t use helper phrases such as like, you know, I mean too often. The recruiter doesn’t want you nattering away as though you were talking over a beer. If you want to be better than the rest of the candidates, you should appear professional. So, before your interview, refresh your vocabulary and get familiar with the professional jargon. 8. Be dressed for success You might think that looks is not important but the hiring manager can judge a lot about you based on how you came dressed for the interview. Before your job interview, research what clothing requirements are there in the company you’re interviewing with. A general rule is that you should fit your clothes to the culture of the company. Medium to large companies prefer formal, professional-looking clothes, while some smaller companies don’t require it. Avoid being overdressed. Startups, marketing, programming or designer jobs usually don’t require formal clothing on interviews. You might even look funny if you knocked on their door in a suit and tie. For corporate, banking, legal, public policy jobs and the like, jeans, sneakers or tees are out of bonds completely. One final tip: Before your interview, take a long beauty sleep and on the big day, leave home half an hour early so you’re not late. Good luck! Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments!

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Top 12 Soft Skills Employers Seek

The Top 12 Soft Skills Employers Seek The Top 12 Soft Skills Employers Seek Depending on the organization or business, employers are seeking essential skills and experience for each job. But even though these skills are extremely important, there are specific “soft skills” that employers also look  for when hiring people for their organization. Research has shown that a person’s “soft skills” can be just as good of  an indicator of a person’s job performance as the hard skills that they possess. Soft Skills Make a Person Pleasant to Work With and a Valued Member of the Team Soft skills relate to a set of skills that individuals  possess, which makes them good employees no matter where they work or what they do. When we think of soft skills, we are thinking of personal qualities, attitudes, verbal and nonverbal behavior, and personal habits that make an individual pleasant to work with, and a valuable member of any team. Individuals with impeccable manners and an ability to be understanding, fair and compassionate are the type of people most of us would like to work with. It is also someone who possesses a strong work ethic and will do what it takes to get the work done, that organizations like to hire and employees want to welcome as a  new member of their team. We all know people who we like or love as friends or family; but when it comes to working with that person on a daily basis, our positive feelings may go out the window, and we may find that it’s almost impossible to work alongside them in a job situation. Heres a list of the 12 soft skills that employers look for when hiring. A Positive Attitude A positive attitude can do wonders in turning a department or company around. Having employees who  possess a positive attitude can also be contagious; and for employers, it’s important for them to seek that kind of energy since it only takes a few negative people to bring down a department or even the organization as a whole. A Strong Work Ethic Hiring people that possess a strong work ethic is key to the success of any employer.  First off, a strong work ethic cannot be taught. When individuals begin working in a new organization, they either have it, or they don’t. Many contributing factors go into making a strong work ethic like how a person grows up to the value they place on doing an excellent job. These innate attributes are totally out of the control of an employer no matter what type of training they provide or the type of supervision an employee gets. Excellent Communication and Interpersonal Skills The ability to be a good communicator cannot be overrated. To succeed in the workforce, employees need to know how to communicate as well as listen to work effectively with supervisors, co-workers, and clients.   Problem-Solving Skills Since problems are inevitable, employees who can find solutions to daily challenges that arise are most valuable to an organization. Employees who are unable to find a solution to a specific problem but are willing to seek out the advice of others also makes for a competent and trusted employee. Time Management Skills As a results-oriented employee, good time management skills are key to getting assignments accomplished and finishing them on time. Employers benefit from hiring employees with good time management skills because these employees know how to prioritize work that is time sensitive. Flexibility The way  companys do business in  today’s competitive marketplace, is changing all the time. It is the ability to remain adaptable that helps an organization move forward and stay with the current times. Work Well in a Team Environment In the past employees would often seek jobs that aligned with their desire to either work independently or work in a team environment. In today’s workforce, much of the work is often done in teams; but there is also a need for employees to work independently to get the daily work accomplished. Computer/Technological Skills Almost all jobs today require basic computer skills and technological knowledge. Whether it be for record-keeping, spreadsheets, detailed notes, or presentations, employers will want to know a candidate’s level of computer and technological knowledge to establish if they can do the basics of any job. Project Management Skills Individuals going about the daily routine of their job will need to know how to prioritize and plan each activity to be able to get the best job done in the least amount of time. Self-Confidence Self-confident employees can detach themselves personally from any challenges that they experience on the job. Self-confidence gives employees a sense of strength as they pursue their personal goals as well as those of an organization. Ability to Accept Constructive Criticism There is always room for everyone to grow and learn and the employee that can take constructive criticism and use it to improve their performance will be seen as a valuable team member to any organization. Strong Research Skills With strong computer and technological skills being one of the top 12 soft skills employers seek, employees who  can do the basic research and have the ability to gather important information for projects, and identify how and what competitors are doing to make themselves successful, is a sought-after skill that many organizations want.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Construction Consultant Lands Operations Manager Position

Construction Consultant Lands Operations Manager Position Construction Consultant Lands Operations Manager Position Construction Consultant Lands Operations Manager Position Carla, thank you for an outstanding job on the resume. I had been applying to positions for over a year with no success. I am pleased to let you know that I was interviewed and selected for the position of Operations Manager of Construction we targeted with the new resume and cover letter in November 2013. Jobseeker Type: Private Sector Previous Job Title: Construction Consultant New Job Title: Operations Manager, Construction Result: Hired Writer/Coach: Carla Waskiewicz Strategy / Process: The clients existing private sector resume did not do a good job of presenting his executive qualifications; the depth and breadth of his facilities planning, construction project management and building operations management and maintenance experience; or his impressive accomplishments and successful projects. The target announcement also detailed a number of specific qualifications, which we clearly demonstrated in the resume and also highlighted in the cover letter.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How I am side hustling my way to financial independence

How I am side hustling my way to financial independence How I am side hustling my way to financial independence I’m side hustling my way to financial independence by selling these temporary tattoos for bachelorette parties on the internet.They are gold, sparkly and say ridiculous things such as “bride tribe” and “wolf pack.” Women buy them from me on Etsy at an insane markup and usually in packs of 15 or 20. They wear them on their faces and arms when they are out with their girlfriends celebrating the bride-to-be at a Vegas pool party, on the streets of Nashville, or in the clubs of Miami.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!I also sell printable scavenger hunts for bachelorettes to use on their bar crawls.These products sell at an even better margin. I make a simple checklist one-time and then have hundreds of people download for $7 each. They print them at home and I don’t have to do anything after the sale.The only “expense” is my time up front to make the checklist an d the minimal Etsy transaction fees. I much prefer selling the printables because I don’t have to worry about shipping or inventory.I’m on the path to financial independence and I think it’s silly that people will pay so much for throwaway products for one-time events. Originally, I got into this side hustle though because  the money was there.And, I didn’t even have a bachelorette party for my own wedding.I guess you could call me an entrepreneur now and the crazy thing is that I was never like this before. I went from someone who didn’t have the confidence to put myself out there, the type of person who would rather binge watch HGTV on Saturday mornings than work on a project, to a full-fledged  side hustler.Last year I made $40,000 on my side hustles on top of my day job. This was not my planned path to financial independence but it’s the quickest way there for me.My Journey to Financial Independence Started In DebtI learned about the concept of financial independence retire early (FIRE) when I was paying down my student loans. My now-husband and I woke up one day and realized that we were  over $100,000 in debt.I say we realized it suddenly because before this time we honestly didn’t know that debt was that bad. Everyone we knew had student loans, a car payment, and a collection of stuff financed on credit cards.We became super motivated once we realized how bad of a situation we actually were in.We made a series of financial decisions right in a row after this point that was critical to our journey out of debt. I sold my car  eliminating a car loan  and a nearly $400 monthly car payment. We got engaged and chose a  moissanite stone  for my ring  instead of a diamond (cost of $300 versus thousands). I went to tons of networking events and landed a job in Silicon Valley that required us to move but also came with a big salary boost. We sold nearly $5,000 of our financed furniture on Craigslist and then rented our house out to cover the mortgage. During this time we didn’t eat out, said no to plans with friends (ironically I turned down attending a bachelorette party which ruffled some feathers), and we focused 100 percent on paying down our debt.With the increased income and our low expenses, we were able to pay off the debt in under 2 years. When we got married in December 2016,  we were 100% debt free.Next, I Tried All of The Fancy FI StrategiesThe next logical step was to try out all of the fancy FI strategies that I had been reading about on the blogs for years but couldn’t partake in because  100% of our money was going to debt payoff.I was fortunate enough to have both the income and the employer plan that allowed the  Mega Backdoor Roth. I took real pleasure every time I called my 401k plan provider and asked them to roll my after-tax contributions into my Roth IRA. And, I practically giggled with joy when hitting my traditional 401k limit before year-end.The first time I performed a Roth conversion from my Tradit ional IRA to a Roth IRA I was a little nervous but I was digging it in a way that only FIRE nerds would understand.If I had to explain what I was doing to the financial provider, I was a little annoyed but also  secretly pumped  that I had learned what I thought were the secrets of the financial game.PS â€" I screwed up the Roth conversion majorly by not knowing about the pro rata rule. Rookie mistake!But, I still wasn’t satisfiedYou would think that I would be content with this phase to FI but I found myself growing a bit impatient. I was working towards the goal of saving 25 times our annual expenses and I felt that even our rapid progress to FI was too slow for me.We loved hiking in Colorado, good coffee, and international travel. We didn’t love office lights, 24/7 work schedules, and limited vacation days â€" no matter how  luckywe were to have our jobs and great coworkers.I also wanted to save even more in tax-advantaged accounts once I hit what I thought was the max. My hu sband wasn’t eligible for a 401k and I wanted to contribute on his behalf so we could double max out.I started researching to see what else I could possibly do to sock more money away. That is when I came across the Solo 401k and I made it my goal to create one for my business. I found out I could put away an additional 25% of business profits in tax-advantaged savings.The only problem is that I had no business. I didn’t make any money on the side and didn’t feel like I had the time or any good ideas to do so.Enter the Side Hustling Path to FII listened to a bunch of podcasts and somehow found the inspiration to give this side hustling thing a go. I had a hobby blog that was about our student loan payoff journey that I decided to monetize.Also, I wrote more strategic,  well-organized blog posts  such as a step-by-step instruction guide on how we  DIY’d our wedding flowers  instead of going with a florist, bringing the cost of flowers to less than $400 from $4000.We had a bud get  Game of Thrones-themed wedding  and I reviewed the different companies and service providers we used and how we saved. These posts were monetized with links to a few products that I had used for the wedding and I received a small commission if anyone purchased them.The hardest part was trying to attract people who were looking for that information to the blog.Many people are afraid of “selling” but what I found is if you can attract someone looking for that exact information at the exact time they want it, you’ll never have to sell anything because that information is what the person wants right then.And as someone who does not like putting myself out there,  I definitely did not want to do any selling at all. Attracting the right person at the right time was a tricky skill to learn though.I experimented with running Pinterest ads and used them to attract budget-inclined brides ready to DIY their weddings to my site. After some costly failures, I found the Pinterest strat egy that worked!The site quickly became profitable for me. I was able to introduce many new readers who came to my site for the wedding information to the concept of financial independence and retiring early as well which is a double win. I now receive emails from people who said the first time they ever found out about financial independence was from my site.The fire is spreading!I also started my side hustling Etsy shop and a podcast about financial independence during this time. On the podcast, we’ve interviewed over 150 people about their path to financial independence  including Steve!  The podcast gave me even more ideas about side hustling and increasing my income as a strategy to FI.In 2017, I was able to achieve my goal of opening up a Solo 401k and saving 25% of my profits.I also contributed to the Solo 401k on behalf of my husband so he could hit his 401k match, after having him work for me on the blog. He is not a FIRE-person by any means but he wrote a post about how he  no longer wants to buy a truck  that has been a hit with Google traffic. He is happily employed by my site as a very occasional guest writer.What’s Next for my Side Hustle?In 2018, my side hustling revenue topped out at $40,000. Although I still work full-time and I’m a very career motivated person, I do feel great that I have more options on my path to financial independence. I know I don’t have to wait until we save 25 times our expenses to try something new or different.I’m actually much more intrigued by the idea of being an entrepreneur right now than I am about retiring early. It is possible to find fulfilling work that gives my husband and me the time and location freedom we desire. If I didn’t like my job so much, we would probably be living the FI lifestyle now while continuing to build passive income or our first company.In August of this year, we’ll be having our first child and I’ve heard that changes things. I do feel good that we have a nest egg built up and profitable income streams coming in as we move into this new phase of our lives.This article first appeared on Thinksaveretire.com.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Boost your teams effectiveness with these 7 questions

Boost your team's effectiveness with these 7 questions Boost your team's effectiveness with these 7 questions What’s top of mind for you as a leader? If you are like most, it’s how to improve results as quickly as possible. And often, you need to achieve this in spite of fewer resources, including a tighter budget. But here’s the thing: If your team is not tapping its full potential, it will be a struggle to achieve the expected results and impossible to surpass them.Time is a precious commodity, and where to focus your attention is one of the most important decisions you must make every day. Too often, “team effectiveness” is near the bottom of the to-do list - if it even makes the list at all. However, putting your team’s effectiveness at the top of your to-do list will quickly pay dividends in enhanced results.While improving team performance may sound like a mammoth task, we have discovered through years of research and working with teams that it can be brought down to size by considering seven core behaviors and practices. If you as a leader keep an eye on these and provide support where needed, you and your team will be surprised by what you can achieve.To get a taste of the seven practices and a sense of their strength within your team, ask these seven questions:1. How cohesive is our team?Are team members working in the same direction toward a common goal? Or is time and energy being wasted by team members focusing on tasks and activities that won’t lead them in the right direction? Do team members have a clear and common definition of what constitutes success and the values, roles, and priorities required to get there? When a team lacks cohesion, there is wheel-spinning and poor decision-making, as well as wasted time, energy and resources.Prompt: If you asked your team to list the department’s top three priorities, would everyone have the same list?2. How is our team’s ability to handle change?This requires that your team not only be receptive to change but also be able to implement change and adapt their behaviors and practices as required to move forward.Prompt: When change is on its way, are heels digging in or are sleeves rolled up?3. Is shared leadership the norm in our team?When there is shared leadership, team members are in charge of directing their own work and making decisions related to their tasks as much as possible. The leader seeks input from the right people as needed, and team members seek input from one another.Prompt: If team members are constantly running to the leader to solve problems, this is an area that cries for improvement.4. How are our group work skills?Group work skills refer to the ability to effectively facilitate a meeting, solve problems, make decisions and reach consensus.Prompt: Do people leave meetings with a sense of accomplishment and looking forward to the next one?5. How healthy is our team’s climate?A healthy climate refers to how team members feel about the way the team functions, including their level of comfort with team norms of behavior. Sometimes considered to be a “ soft” issue, this is actually a critical foundation of a healthy, high-performing team. Signs that indicate a team’s climate is unhealthy include a high degree of unproductive conflict, a lack of trust and respect for one another, low energy, and low morale.Prompt: If members are hesitant to speak up, this is often a sign that the climate needs attention.6. Does our team think innovatively?When a team demonstrates strong innovative thinking, members are on constant alert for better ways to do things and challenge the status quo when old norms hinder their progress.Prompt: If a new idea or better way of doing things hasn’t been suggested by a team member in the past week or two, this is an important practice to examine.7. How is the individual contribution of team members?Team members’ contribution includes the degree to which individual team members take initiative and manage their own individual performance.Prompt: If there is grumbling in the team about members not pulling their weight, this is a practice that requires further discussion.Answering these questions gives you a quick look at these seven nonnegotiable core practices and behaviors. Your team’s strength in each of these areas determines their degree of success. Simply having the team self-assess and come to an agreement on the required change can begin to strengthen the practices and behaviors. If you become fanatically focused on these by looking for both strengths to celebrate and opportunities for improvement and then provide the support to make those improvements, you will find that you have your foot on the power pedal. As a result, your team will take off.Nicole Bendaly is President of KCo. For over 20 years, Nicole Bendaly has been researching and training healthcare teams to weed out apathy and amplify the best in themselves. As a published author, dynamic speaker, creator of the Team Fitness Tool and president of KCo., she has established herself as a respected thought leader in team development and organizational behavior. KCo. works with organizations to fix what isn’t working and amplify the things that are. Their mission is to challenge the status quo, inspire better teams and shift the working world in a direction that actually works.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sample Cna Resume Help!

Sample Cna Resume Help! But What About Sample Cna Resume? Learning how to do a resume when don't have any work experience is far easier if you're able to demonstrate some seasonal or short-term work experience. Extremely convenient, and it'll help save you hours of work. You have to demonstrate approximately five duties in half an hour. After all of the time spent getting Certified Nursing Assistant training and finding work, you may be feeling pretty comfortable. Up in Arms About Sample Cna Resume? You also need to know how to format your cover letter correctly. In the exact same way that you may reference resume samples, the subsequent Nursing Assistant cover letter example will let you compose a cover letter which best highlights your experience and qualifications. The written portion employs a multiple-choice format to check your understanding of nursing concepts. It's possible to hold the sections related to you and edit the rest of the sections. Sample Cna Resume Sec rets The goal of your resume is to tell a possible employer something about you to see whether you're a fantastic fit for the job which you are trying to find. Bear in mind that your resume is the very first step to a prospective job so it's critical in order for it to be perfect in every manner. Remote jobs require a specific set of skills, however, regardless of what type of job it is. You have to tailor the resume for the particular job. Sample resumes can genuinely help you with inspiration and guidance. Listing the skills is likewise very important. The expense to take the CNA test will be different between states. Prometric presents secure and outstanding testing services. A Secret Weapon for Sample Cna Resume Our resume builder gives you tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. Personalized resumes won't have any duplicates. Have a look at the free Ultimate Guide to the fantastic Resume for everything you must know, including templates! Rea d the work description again to ensure you use the employer's key words. Work History There are a few things that a CNA should put on their resume and a few things which are better left off. It is crucial to demonstrate knowledge of the institution in the letter in addition to show enthusiasm for the job. If you want to compose a new resume and you want some great carpenter resume examples, you may use the one we've written below. Ok, I Think I Understand Sample Cna Resume, Now Tell Me About Sample Cna Resume! If you're a CNA with no experience, give a fast introduction of who you are and why you'd be a great hire. Communication skills are incredibly crucial in your CNA resume. Remember that while enrolling in Certified Nursing Assistant classes on the internet can go quite a way toward your CNA license, some pieces of your training has to be carried out in person. Hire Qualified Teachers If indeed you wish to train Certified Nursing Assistants, then you have to guarantee that you hire only competent and intelligent teachers. Try to remember that health care wouldn't be possible without a CNA. Nurse aides might be able to acquire extra credentials, like the Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), which will enable them to dispense medication. Get the Scoop on Sample Cna Resume Before You're Too Late Once you get your certified nursing assistant certificate, the next thing to do is to prepare your resume so you can apply to get a job. Describe a time once you dealt with a troublesome patient or client. Even if your prior work experience has not been in the subject of healthcare, it still ought to be listed to demonstrate the reader that you're capable of working in a responsible way. Taking the opportunity to compose a very good nurse aide resume tells recruiters you mean business and are intent on securing work.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

What React Js Resume Is - and What it Is Not

What React Js Resume Is - and What it Is Not What's for several is that we finally have a great deal of resumes to look for over every other kind of online site may offer. After you've modified the standard resume template that you on the net, help make it simple on your upcoming self and save a great deal of versions of your continue. Now you might be wondering how the previous illustration is helpful. Luckily, you are going to discover a lot of examples of continue in the site. New Step by Step Roadmap for React Js Resume The data entered in the form has to be in the proper format and a few fields will need to be filled to be able to use the submitted form effectively. Ideal term jobseekers which might have a number of information to provide. There are a lot of websites that gives a Resume constructor facility. Posting resumes might be very tedious and time-consuming. Should you own a logo, make usage of it from the calendar. It's especially useful while we should create a list with lots of items. If you're on the lookout for a template that will help you create a messaging app which can be used for membership groups, Real Time Chat could be a good option for you. The onload and onunload events can be utilised to take care of cookies. New Step by Step Roadmap for React Js Resume You may observe some JavaScript syntax which you aren't familiarized with called array destructuring. Admin can add different admins with the addition of email address. Custom callout views may be the whole tooltip bubble, or merely the content inside the system default bubble. Clean Minimal Application template is the perfect remedy to generate the ideal impression. There are a lot of fantastic resources on the internet that might help you see job application samples, get achievement hints, and even get a critique, rewrite, or maybe resume edit. Try to keep the resume no more than one page, especially if you're asking for a wonderful entry-level job. The last thing you would like to do is usually get a job which you can't do. The ideal way to discover a job is via the net. The continue builder is the simplest approach to create a work application that may enable you to get your fantasy job. If you're looking for work, an on-line job application lets you readily emphasize your abilities and experience in a way that you attract the interest of your employer. There's an assortment of benefits of working with the effortless job application formats. Before taking reference from the internet test resumes, think on what kind of job application test formatting will fit the needs you've got. From the source you'll be able to find an accurate comprehension of each component's behavior and API. Below you will see a sample reference list. You want to think about everything for a component. Our Hello component is wholly static. Keeping a businesses infrastructure under-wraps has commercial benefits, especially whenever your technology is your company model. Currently a contractor reference is completely different. Building a cell application is not a simple task though. When the procedure is completed, traverse in the project directory. The Battle Over React Js Resume and How to Win It Please read the entire text so you can understand what actions will and won't be tolerated. The function is going to be executed while the button is clicked. It's easy to drop down to native code should you need to optimize a few facets of your application. The very first and frequently the most convincing resume chapter is summary. You will learn the fundamentals of React Native anyway. There are lots of many methods to utilize React in our projects. You have to have a sufficient comprehension of React in addition to be conscious of the right data-flow in Flux architecture. At this point you have an extremely ba sic grasp of the most essential concepts in React. When it regards the React Native data-flow, it is quite important to know the proper way from the start. If you would like to learn more, remember to take a look at our totally free React course on Scrimba. Even should you not have previous experience with React, you need to be able to follow it. Read below to learn how you are able to take part in improving React Native.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ruthless When Should You Write a Functional ( Skills ) Rsum ? Strategies Exploited

Ruthless When Should You Write a Functional ( Skills ) Rsum ? Strategies Exploited You'll observe that even the greatest functional resume will damage your odds of getting hired. Keeping that in mind, here are a few basic tips that may offer you greater insight about the way you can develop a functional resume which works for your exclusive needs. Do your very best work the very first time. Thanks for reading and great luck with your work search! Things You Should Know About when Should You Write a Functional ( Skills ) Rsum ? Building a functional resume can be fascinating whenever you have the most suitable guideline to follow. My Perfect Resume has a massive library of suggestions and examples to explain how to compose a resume summary statement to produce your own. If you are searching for Job Application Downloadable Cv Template you've come to the perfect location. Materials submitted as part of your application won't be returned. If you've got many abilities, the previous skill paragraph may be called Additional Skills. On occasion the Skills and Accomplishments section is an individual section. The lesser-known functional resume can be an excellent alternative for certain positions requiring many technical abilities or for particular candidates with plenty of potential. The web states the functional resume format also referred to as the skills based resume is a remedy to the majority of issues with employment history. Note guide the Quantifiable Point doesn't will need to come right after the action verb. If you discover that it isn't, you then need to take action. A Secret Weapon for when Should You Write a Functional ( Skills ) Rsum ? It's better to use a functional resume when you would like to change work and at the exact same time the work role and domain too. Continue reading for ourtips and hints on how to construct a function al resume to create a winning resume which encompasses every one of your skills, achievements and experiences applicable to the work vacancy. There are many benefits of listing your work experience by skill category as opposed to by employer. Research a number of job postings for similar job titles to comprehend the abilities and have the industry requires. This announcement might be used to fill numerous vacancies. Most resumes incorporate a chronological collection of your professional accomplishments. Instead, try using words common in the business. IEP goals linked to functional skills must specify the degree of mastery necessary for the goal to be met and any adaptations that will need to get made. Maybe you're not performing your work in addition to expected. Teaching functional skills also can help mitigate some maladaptive behaviors (for instance, self-injury, aggression) by encouraging the person to select a proper replacement skill. Within this brief summary, include your main experience, relevant abilities and overarching career objectives. You would like to present all of the information to its very best advantage. There's so much info online about how, why, and when to compose a work search resume. Please refer to specific for more details. Please visit the for more sophisticated info. What to Expect From when Should You Write a Functional ( Skills ) Rsum ?? It is possible to always adapt the free resume sample and place your own spin on it, just bear in mind you shouldn't go overboard. There are various functional resume examples that you could find by doing a simple Google search, but here is a remarkable example that I managed to have from Monster.com. For example, free resume samples may be very basic, and when you're applying for certain jobs which are in a slightly more creative arena, you'll want to add only a little something extra. Utilizing free resume samples is the ideal approach to start if you're stuck. Using when Should You Write a Functional ( Skills ) Rsum ? Sending out rejection letters is in fact excellent for your business's reputation. If you would like to make an application for a loan for a house or a vehicle, or in case you're looking for new employment, your credit report is important as it tells others if you're a risk. The credit score report stipulates a superb deal of information and is something you should read. Pull your absolutely free credit report. All of them need to learn how to write and utilize a cover letter free of experience. This order is known as reverse chronological purchase. While the functional resume format may be an attractive alternative for job seekers with minimal experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. These templates can help you compose a combination resume from scratch. Choosing Good When Should You Write a Functional ( Skills ) Rsum ? Use the excellent points and leave out the parts which you don't like. The aforementioned bullet points are fantastic examples since they use action verbs to help to snatch the interest of hiring managers.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Characteristics of Supervisor Resume

Characteristics of Supervisor Resume Businesses are always watching for good supervisors. A Floor Supervisor's job varies based on the demand of the employer. Supervisors need to ensure that each one of the members are aware of what they are doing and are always prepared to do the job they are tasked to do. They also need to do reports and other items that should be recorded or filed, especially those that concern the department that they are handling. The Death of Supervisor Resume A supervisor should know everything about the work including transactions and how they're made so they can easily spot whether there are things which are already going wrong in the operations. At the same time that you might argue (and we don't disagree) that resume writing is a huge thing, which makes it a project might be the worst thing you could do. Even in case you spend the majority of your time on-site, having the ability to pull in the office as needed is important in the event the offic e gets short-staffed, for any reason. For instance, if you managed a group of construction workers, say how a lot of people you managed. Concentrate on delivering insights necessary for providers to create ideal choices on drug selection for particular patient types in a provider-facing function. You will need to find more in construction job features online. The resume would be a fantastic method of advertising your services and all you need achieved over a plan of time. There are several types of job boards online. Conclusion Learning how to compose effective objectives will make it possible for you to create great supervisor resumes whenever you want to send one to a prospective employer. The Civil Supervisor is largely appointed to supervise the a variety of construction activities. Entry-level construction jobs typically don't have any educational requirements, though higher school-level training programs are sometimes a huge help. You're assigned personnel and your purpose is to extract the very best performance from each and every person. Easy-to-adapt sample manufacturing manager resume. If you're a small hesitant to begin, have a look at our inventory supervisor resume sample it should provide you a good place to begin. An excellent manufacturing supervisor resume can help you realize this objective. Professionally composed production supervisor and manager resume templates give you the fundamental components you have to begin. The utilization of an overall ledger template can fix all of your accounting troubles. It is possible to also have a look at some resume templates to find a feeling of how you might format your resume. The template is really flexible and versatile too. Each template gives a step-by-step guidance which can help you to create an effective resume and apply for virtually any position. A hiring manager will often read the core qualifications in 1 glance, so look closely at visual appeal. Professionally, our r esumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. Take understanding of the most frequent questions your employer will ask, and learn to answer quickly. Prospective employers can't read your mind. Want to Know More About Supervisor Resume? The strategies and the supervisor resume objective samples given in this post can help you create one for your resume and set it on an increased chance of getting you an interview. Christopher Taber A great job is the secret to living a joyful life. You should make certain that you've dressed appropriately for the interview. A subject that you shouldn't forget when preparing your interview is to research the business that you're applying for the job. The 30-Second Trick for Supervisor Resume The construction resume templates are quite easy to use. If you wish to work in a construction firm, you must find resumes beforehand. Furthermore, you can learn more on the subject of construction careers on Monster. Each c onstruction project has to have a project manager. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Supervisor Resume Naturally, your security and supervisory experience also needs to be found in the summary part of your resume. It is possible to change the points based on your location and experience level. Once you locate the right resume you could use, the next step is going to be to go through the work description and the requirements necessary for the post you're applying for. In addition, good movement is more efficient and potent. Our resume builder provides you with tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. It's fast and simple to use. Certification in a skill that's associated with the supervisory position will stay a benefit. If you're asking for a job which demands the latter duty, your objective should display your understanding of billing practices and your general office management abilities. Offering strong understanding of production processes and ca pacity to monitor department operations to accomplish set targets. The employer could possibly be seeking experience and techniques in specific phases of construction. So if you're writing a resume objective for the place of a warehouse supervisor, you will want to first figure out what skills you possess that will allow you to work in a warehouse atmosphere. It's particularly crucial that you include only skills applicable to the manufacturing supervisor job you're applying for. An energetic and results-oriented individual who is famous for simplicity of manner and an amazing ability to manage teams hailing from various areas within a health facility. Up in Arms About Supervisor Resume? The Hiring Manager should be captivated by your statement so he or she'd be compelled to keep on reading your resume. Design and Planning Whether you're designing the project yourself or next somebody else's plan, you want to understand how to read a blueprint. Use high school bullet points to find the job. Study prior to your interview.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Life, Death and Cv or Resume

Life, Death and Cv or Resume Steps to SuccessLook at an assortment of CVs inside your field to construct your private awareness of how professionals communicate their value in the present marketplace. Transportation jobs involve a great deal of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can manage that. Professional CV services are the best method of job seekers to be sure the success of their job hunting practice. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often they're utilized to secure new employment. Fortune 500 companies or other big organisations will be searching for certain skills on your CV that are critical in business. Many work in the public service or academia will take a thorough CV to be submitted as a member of a work application. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods. Furthermore, you can look for internships on Monster. CV writing help is helpful in all types of situations especially in the event you've just graduated and are searching for your very first real job, we bet we possess the perfect solution for you! Presentation is the secret to success and lets the strong stand from the crowd. Regardless of whether you take advantage of a CV or resume, you should thoroughly edit your document. The upcoming free resume template is devised in the shape of a brochure. It's very simple and simple to edit or customize the template. The template can be found in PSD format. Using Cv or Resume Strategically convey experiences to make your career specific CV. If there's one thing a prosperous job search cannot be imagined without, it is a CV. As it's been said, you don't know when you'll be called in for that interview. You also receive an absolutely free job interview tracker for a bonus. You might want to translate your CV. In some nations, a CV is typically the very first item a prospective employer encounters concerning the job seeker and is typically utilised to screen applicants, often followed by means of an interview. Needless to say, a CV is for anyone seeking to apply for employment or admission to a certain position. The CV or Curriculum Vitae is a candidate's very first chance in producing a good impression prior to a prospective employer. On the web site you will locate samples along with CV templates and models that may be downloaded at no charge. Besides the four graduate school resume and CV samples above, there are plenty of resume samples it is possible to access for free internet. The entire assortment of resume templates is composed of a selection of creative resume designs. A few of the templates are free while others cost a couple of dollars. Just keep in mind that the method takes time. If you want more help, you may also use a CV buil der to direct you through the writing process. There's not anything wrong with having multiple distinct resumes and employing the ideal application for the position. However much or what kind of work experience you've got, there's a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Easily it is possible to change out your photo here. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. For those who haven't completed a research undertaking, it's time to get started. Consider your course undertaking, volunteer experience, and any freelance projects you have done. Or if you're contracting then you're highlighting your key skills and competencies. Ensure you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. Picking out the appropriate CV to highlight your abilities and experiences is vitally important. Cashier Resume Example Start Building Your Resume If you've got zero work experience, bear in mind that you always have the option to modify your resume to appear great despite that simple fact! Let's start with a fast overview of resumes, as they are more familiar to the majority of American writers than CVs. Depending on the kind of job, you'll need to create a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or a resume. Job seekers deserve to discover decent content quickly. CVs are often tailored to modify the emphasis of the information according to the specific position for which the work seeker is applying. You could also observe the Sample CVs. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Cv or Resume You're now able to earn a terrific first impact with professional styling and personalized appearance. You may edit the color along with the content with no trouble. To find the absolute most out of your professional experience section you will need to supply details. The presentation and content of resumes and CVs varies from nation to nation, so take into consideration these notes we've prepared for you on the best way to compose a resume for the USA.